Are you noticing a theme here? Last year she was a Princess, this year a Greek Goddess.... suits her personality just fine. Wonder what next year will bring?
So today was Day 2 of the Kitty Diet. Yes my Fat Boy was told he had to go on a diet. How do you put a cat on a diet you ask? Well, first thing you do is take away the self feeder. You put him on scheduled meals. Seems to be working fine so far. My biggest fear has not been realized... you know the one where you wake up at 2 in the morning with a 17 pound cat sitting on your chest about to eat you? He seems to be adjusting just fine to 3 scheduled meals a day. Starting Monday we will move to 2 scheduled meals a day... and that will be when if you don't see me for a week or so, do call and inquire if I am still in one piece... LOL No for reals, he's a sweetie... how can anything this cute be anything but sweet?