Friday, January 11, 2008


I am doigna Blog Challenge For Scrapfreak to tell about these firsts! Here we go, let's see how good my memory is!

What was your first...
1. concert? Richard Marx
2. car? 1966 Red Mustang
3. job? K-mart Cashier
4. scrapbook layout about? My very first was Timothy's 1st birthday done at a CM class
5. grade teacher's name? I cannot for the life of me remember!
6. pet? A cat named Boots
7. vacation as an adult? Myrtle Beach trip
8. boyfriend's name? Scott
9. living arrangement after moving out of your parents' home? In an apartment when I got married
10. scrapbook message board to be a member on? A yahoo group with CM people, don't remember the name.


Lisa said...

Loved reading your comments. Your mustang must've been an awesome car.

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

Love your answers. Love mustangs!!