Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Big Freeze...

Yep, I am ready to admit it out loud. I am on a spending freeze. What does that mean you say? It means I cannot buy any scrap goodies for awhile. How long is awhile? Well, I haven't really thought about it. But here and now I am going to make a goal. No scrapbook shopping until I have completed 50 pages this year. Think I can do it? Well, I do have my accountability partner Carla... who is also on a spending freeze. She sits in my head and says "don't do it Linda!" Kinda scary huh, but I think with her support I can do it! (and so can you Carla! So, this post is dedicated to YOU Carla!! Love ya girl!

Now, on to my picture for today.... Lookit the $$$! Ain't it pretty? Well, this is only a couple of dollars, but I got this jar at a Christmas party and decided to save up a dollar or 2 a week to spend on goodies when I meet my goal of 50 pages! (by the way, I have already done 9 pages this month, 41 to go!!!!)


Carla said...

Oh wow, first of all......LOVE the Goal...that is awesome........I will have to do the same thing...hey thats a great idea.....I need me a jar like that too.....ok so now you have inspired me to get 50 pages done and then go shopping...lets do it together girl.......Thanks for dedicating this to and I can do it I know we can......LOL

Carla said...

Oh and by the way...I only have 3 ppages done this year.

Lisa said...

Love the pictures - your jar is adorable. You make me want to jump on this bandwagon with you guys. Setting a goal of X amount of pages done before you buy again is a great idea! We really have to use what we already own, don't we? I think I might just do this with you!

Oh and BTW, the Brillo Box got $20 today. ;)

Origin said...

what a cute idea Linda! Love it! I know you guys can do it!!!

Jackie Plank said...

Love your shopping jar, WTG on your goal you can do it!!!