OK, so it's been a little while since I updated, so I will share some photos here all in one post...
First of all I want to share some pictures I took of some flowers from my flower bed. They are so pretty this year, and the hyacinths smell gorgeous as usual!!

Also, Timothy... FINALLY... got a haircut as well! It looks so much nicer now... here's before:

And after... isn't he handsome?

Easter was lo-key for us. The Bunny passed us over, but the kiddos didn't get left out. Katie's gift was a trip to New York, in which she returned home on Easter Sunday. Here she is with a photo she brought home...

And Timothy got a new video game...

The best news I haven't shared yet, was that Katie was accepted into Governor's School for the 2008 session!!! She is over the moon thrilled! This will be an excellent opportunity for her and we are all proud of her!!!
And lastly... what would a blog entry be without a kitty photo???
Here ya go....

Bet you thought it would be the twins, huh? Nope, I do have other kitties, and this one hasn't been in the spotlight lately... this is Little Bit, who has taken up residence with mom and dad (shhhh... don't tell anyone, cause Poppy don't like cats...LOL)