Friday, June 08, 2007

Starting New things...

OK so I have been neglectful.... as usual. That is certainly nothing new for me when it comes to this blog thing! LOL BUT>.. I am going to try again. I want to say I have started a new diet today. Yes, a diet.... pure and simple torture. Not a "way of life" but a simple diet that with enough hell, I will hopefully lose some weight and look better! What am I doing? Well, I decided to try thje Kimkins diet as seen in Woman's World Magazine. I am not a big fan of diets at all, but if these people can lose the amount of weight they say they are losing, then I am up to try anything!!! Basically, no carbs. PLain and simple... no carbs. (and really not much of anything else either... but that is ok LOL.) So here's what I had today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs
Lunch: big bowl of lettuce with a few grape tomatoes and that spray dressing
2 slices lean ham
1 oz cheese
Snack: a stalk of celery with 1 Tbsp dip (1 carb)
1 slim jim (1 carb)
Dinner: A big ole grilled chicken breast
cooked squash and onions
salad with lettuce/tomatoes and spritzer dressing
After dinner snack: 1 hard boiled egg
4oz sugar free jello.

Also, I drank about 100 ounces of water today. AND... a biggie for me, I exercised!!! I did the One mile walk on my walk away the pounds video. Plus I made myself stay somewhat active today!

We will see how this thing goes, but my goal is to try to lose 20 pounds before I go on vacation July 2.

So here I start at 250.5 pounds..... Wish me luck!!!

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