First of all, you put the sides togther and add the roof...

Then you work on the decorating. Look at Timothy working so hard!!!

And Voila... you have a nice beautiful Gingerbread House!!!

After all the work, you clean up... turn around to take one final look, and there you have it....

The roof slid right off!!! Now you want the real story?
OK, so we followed the directions on the box, letting the house sit for the required amount of time between putting the parts together. We started to decorate... the roof slid off. We put it back on, more icing, etc... let it sit for TWICE as long.. we start to decorate... the roof starts sliding. We put it back on, let it sit for another length of time. Finally Timothy starts to decorate, and the roof stays in place, but we find one of the sides has fallen in. We can't pull it all the way back up because of the roof FINALLY staying put, so we get it part of the way, and you can't tell it is down any because the roof covers it well. Timothy finishes decorating, and is so proud of his work. He leaves the room, I turn around, and the freaking roof has slid off AGAIN!!! Fine, Katie and I get it back on, without Timothy ever knowing. We have some cups propped under it to hold it so it won't slide, and lo and behold, Timothy comes in and we both notice... the danged side has fallen ALL the way in! Timothy says, "Can I just eat it?" So he grabs that side and begins to munch away! At the same time he says... Mom, we are never doing that again, Right? LOL
So cute...LOL with all the problems.......they are not easy to do that is for sure. I did a gingerbread house once at a party, you pre-ordered and went to someones house and they came with all the stuff and we sat there and drank wine and did our houses together, a group of women. it was real fun.....Hmmmm whatever happend to that house? Well looks like you had a good time.
Well, it was cute while it lasted! LOL
Okay, I loved the way you set it up with the pictures and the story for us to read. I think you need to do this journaling on a page! I have that same kit and am now afraid to try it. LOL.
Love the pic of Timmy working so hard at decorating.
LOL THAT is great! YOU def need to scrap that whole story! FUn experience! LOL
Too flipp'n funny! I would NEVER even consider making one of those!!! NEVER!!! Bravo to you all for giving it a go.
How cute! At least you got a picture snapped of it together! I hope it was yummy!
lol!! This house is so cute. I will see when I can ours started and see what kind of story I have to tell.
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