My heart breaks today as I fear I am mourning the loss of my beloved "old man." I have had him since he was a baby. He turned 17 this past April. He has been such a good cat all his life. Well, no, that's a lie, he was the meanest kitten ever known to man, but he grew into a very loving older cat! He has been with me through several moves and has always made himself at home... and stayed there.
This morning I got up and he was not in his usual spot on the wicker couch on the back deck. I didn't think much of it because Mouser was not there either. I took Katie to school, came home and Mouser was wandering around, but no Pookie. Later in the morning, I went out again, no Pookie. We have known for a few weeks that his time was coming, but he was still able to get around and eat and drink. Him being "gone" this morning was quite a shock. Am I sure he is dead? No I am not... he's just not here. He NEVER leaves the area. Mom and I searched all over our properties. No Pookie. I am afraid he went off somewhere to die, I am sure of it, but I wish I could find him. It is so hard not knowing for sure. It is so hard to say goodbye when you just don't know.... But I fear I must. So, Goodbye Old Man. I love you, and I will miss you!
I hope that by tomorrow I can some print a "retraction" and he has shown back up, but I fear that hope is futile.
Oh Linda, my heart is breaking for you. I think it's so wonderful that you were able to scrap about him and to write about him. You definitely need some closure. Big hugs for you. ((((((( Linda ))))))
I'm so sorry Linda...Hugs to you.
Oh Linda...that is so sad. Is he partcially an out door cat so you think that he went outside somewhere? Im so sorry to hear that....its sad.......I hope that he shows up......hugs to you girlfriend.
Big teary hugs!
I'm so sorry Linda!I hope you find him!! {HUGS}
oh Linda :( I am so sorry!! he is so pretty!! i have a kitty that looks like him EXACTLY! I will be thinking about you! Lots of hugs for you MF!!
OOH Doll! I am soooo sad... Pets are so much a part of our family- ESPECIALLY after 17 years! HOLY COW! I am just so sad for you!
Love and much hugging and comfort!
But why would he go away to die? I don't understand. I hope he hasn't and that he will come home to his mommy. I will pray for him tonight!
Awwww, he was a beautiful cat
I am so sorry to hear this. :( I hope he turns up tomorrow!
(((HUGS))) hope he shows back up!
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