OK, here's the game... answer the questions below and Tag at least 2 people to do the same!!!
Two Names You Go By:
1. Linda
2. Mom
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. t-shirt
2. Shorts
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Love
2. trust
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. Scrapbook
2. Chat on internet
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. Lose my poundage
2. Lots of $$$
Two pets (aka children) you had/have:
1. Oliver
2. Garfield (and I have 3 more babies!!!)
Two people who will fill this out first:
1. Mackey
2. Carla (the two ladies I am tagging!!!)
Two things you did last night:
1. School supply shopping
2. Watched Big Brother
Two People that live in your house (home):
1. Katie
2. Timothy
Two people you talked to last:
1. Lisa
2. Michelle
Two things you are doing tomorrow:
1. Scrapbooking!
2. being the taxi-mom
Longest Vehicle Rides
1. Orlando, Florida
2. Allentown, PA
Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. Diet Dr. Pepper
2. Pinda Coladas
OK, I am Tagging Carla and Mackey from SL.