So, for days I had been wanting a cupcake. Kristin over on
Scrapfreak had the cutest cupcakes made for her by her sister for her birthday. This started my obsession. Then the
Pioneer Woman site posted the most awesome looking cupcakes ever. That really got my obsession going. So much so that I knew I had to have a cupcake.
The tragedy struck. I received a letter in the mail from my doctor and lo and behold my cholesterol was high. Bye bye cupcakes... you don't belong here.
After that, it seemed everywhere I turned, all I saw were cupcakes, people making cupcakes, eating cupcakes... it was pure torture! All of my friends over on
Scrapfreak added to the torture by teasing me. All I saw were threads with my name and a cupcake somewhere there... whether it was avitar cuppy cakes or pictures!
What's a girl to do? Well, I will tell you.... you run to the store and you buy the fixings for cup cakes! That's right, I am not strong... I have no will power. I needed my cuppy cake!!!
It was a joyous process from start to finish... I cheated, I will admit it. I used a box mix for the cup cake itself. But I mean really, they are just as good right?

They came out so goldenly, perfectly, yummily delicious looking!

So, next the icing. Well, after reading the ingredients in the
Pioneer Woman's chocolate icing recipe, I knew there could be no other icing to make. I mean come on, did you see the ingredients in that stuff??

I will say this was about the easiest icing ever made... but I do understand now why she made mini cuppy cakes. That stuff has enough sweet in it to send you into a diabetic coma!!! Oh and it thickens really quick, so frost them fast!

In conclusion, I will say THANK YOU to all my FREAKY friends for pushing me to make these yummy cup cakes!!! (and on Friday, when weigh in day rolls around, you owe me...but we'll discuss that later! LOL)
So if you're now wanting a cup cake, I will invite you to come on over and have one... I have a few left!
And for everyone of my friends who leave a comment here... I will add your name to a hat for a nice RAK from me! You have until Friday AM to get your comments in!!!